Saturday, August 29, 2009

Top 10 conversations in a funeral.

I have this thing about me previously, I am funeral-phobic. Hence, the only one I’ve ever attended to was my great-grandmother’s, even that I was merely 7. But I had to attend one which was my grand-aunt’s last week. I packed my bags and completed all my assignments before the week was over, and headed back to BM. As I arrived, my sadness overcame my fear. There were heaps of people in the funeral as their family are kinda being the ‘aristocrats’ of Penang, many people knows them. However during the funeral, I heard conversations that I don’t even know whether it is right or wrong. Why don’t you guys decide for me.

10. “Sorry for your lost. Hehehe…”

9. “Eh, long time no see ar, how’s business?”

8. “Wah… Your son so big ady ar?”

7. “Eh, eat already or not, there got Kari Mee ma…”

6. “Eh... You gave how much for the donation ar?”

5. “Eh eh… Chief Minister is here la… Faster go shake his hand la. Once in a life time opportunity!”

4. “Eh, my photo is on the newspaper beside the Chief Minister.”

3. “Eh, I wonder how much the pay for such grand funeral ar? (Gossip gossip gossip)”

2. While putting on a small piece of coloured cloth on the shirt as a symbolism of mourning, “Wah… you naik pangkat ar? Hahahaha…”

1. “Eh, what is the last 4 digit of the death certificate ar?”

I am left speechless!


Dinesh said...

That's just disgusting n distasteful! esp no. 1, just shows what assholes some can be!

AUDREY said...

Definitely not questions which should be asked at a funeral. Agree very strongly with Dinesh.

accidentally-in-love said...

Hahah! Eh i like this top 10 ah. Haha shld go enter david letterman tops ten.. Hahah!FUNNY LAH SIA!