Tuesday, October 29, 2013

Emo Nite Out

Now yesterday (night) was kinda weird. I went back home quite early, around 9PM (its considered early for me since for the past 6 days I've been sleeping in my office) and I shut off my laptop and tv and 'try' to sleep. Let me repeat, "TRY". And that was about 10 PM.

But I just couldn't! Insomnia.... (or its just too early).

Then I reached for my BB and played a few songs from my playlist. The next thing I knew, I was having this huge emo breakdown!

It all started with this song:

 Then with this duet...

When I reached the bridge of this song, I was already in tears...

One word - GILA!!!!!

So in order to resonate the emo-nite-out yesterday, I tried to be emo lah today. Now tell me seriously, don't I really looked slimmer? I mean I kinda felt it you know...

Ok, let it be! Slim or not, I am still the same me. Emo! EMO! EMO!!!

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