Tuesday, December 31, 2013

What 2013 Had Done To Me?

January – Hospitalized?
Indeed it was a 4-days bed ridden. Herpes simplex – that was the name of the pain I had and amazingly, there were no cure to it. Root cause, overstressed and lack of rest. Did I mention that was the first time I’ve got myself hospitalized? What a way to usher in 2013.

February – Chinese New Year
This would be a life lesson for all. Remember how difficult was it for me (and my brother) to get a painter a week before Chinese New Year and finally we decided to put our hands into good use? This is a great story to tell everyone that when others say no, we say yes! Great things happen when you say YES!

March – When a Crisis Became an Opportunity
If there is one thing I’ve learned from my ex-boss, it would be this. While there was a huge feud between him and another colleague of mine, I had the opportunity to refuel a submarine. Bidan terjun at its best!

April – The Transfer “Drama”
April was such a painful month. There were so much of uncertainties and not knowing where will the road leads me. The end of the drama, well, I am still around somehow. Worthless drama after all.

May – The Emperor Left
And I wrote a poem for him despite what he has done to me – The Old Oak Tree. That much of a relief, I found myself slowly healing in the months to come.

June – Roti John Retailer.
Totally random, it was rather just go and kill it! Or this new jargon that I’ve learned, Run and Gun. Turned out to be pure joy and an experience that will never duplicate itself ever again.

August – Canon EOS 60D
I was shocked to learn that my best jimui, Mak Teh only came to know yesterday that I’ve bought this new wife of mine. Well, this would be the best bought gift for myself till date. When clarity came into the mind, I bought a camera!

September - OZ Called Again!
I woke up one fine Saturday and could remember vividly how wonderful Australia was during my last stay there in 2007. I was then ‘rewarded’ a 5 days work-vacation to Melbourne, Australia. Dreams do come true, have faith!

October – Joe
The world finally knew who Joe is! Its rather cute when I have an alter-ego for myself as I see it as an escape en route for my emo-ness at times. Joe is fierce!!!

November – The Busiest Month of The Year
Yes, I became an event planner (and interior designer too!). I’ve stayed in Langkawi for a week to get things done and it was the best experience one could get out of work! That was when I realized how much rewarding it was and how appreciative I should to what I’ve got.

December – Change, Forgiving and The Art of Letting Go
Its rather sad that at this time of the year, I finally came to know that “When people show you who they are, believe them!” – wise words from Maya Angelou. If they are unkind, don’t find reasons to prove that they are kind. If they are ignorant, do not find reasons to say they are just being youthful. They are already sending off signs that they are who they are. I am left clueless and I felt I no longer know who that person is. Confused…

Perhaps 2014 bring a clearer envisioned year. Auld Lang Syne peeps!

Friday, December 27, 2013

You Thought I Was Done With 2013?

Following (THE) Queen Bey's footsteps, I am now releasing a number of never released photos before the year of 2013 ends.

Nope! I'm still not done with 2013!

Sunday, December 22, 2013

Rescue by Yuna

Now again I only heard of this song in the radio and fell in love with it immediately. It resembles Beyonce's Standing In The Sun but Yuna did hers way better than Queen Bey this time. Yuna describes it as a mix of Mary Poppins meets Coldplay and I couldn't agree more!

Check out the video too! I like this song so much that its now my ringtone.

Friday, December 20, 2013


For your record, Teluk Bahang is like at the end of the world in Penang Island and I didn't know there were so much that can be done over there.

So this company of mine decided to hold a team building at this theme park. Only difference is, this team park is on top of trees instead of the normal joyride and water pools. Let me just include this, THANK GOD I brought my camera and I didn't had to climb those trees. Imagine me climbing a coconut tree??? What a sight, what a sight...!

So since I was the official cameraman (the 2nd cameraman in fact), so don't expect lots of my own photos here.

Upon adjusting the white and color grid balance, the pictures turned out damn flyyyy!!!

Sunday, December 15, 2013

The Murphy's Law

Well I've definitely heard of the name of this Law, but I could not recall what exactly this Law meant. All I could remember vividly was Le Chatelier's Principals. But little do we know, these 2 laws can be used to explain life and our actions. 

Today we commissioned a rather important project in my workplace, and thus, I've been working non-stop since last Friday. My boss gave me a piece of advice that was rather chemistry and stochastic, "Kelv, remember the Murphy's Law". I nodded and smile, but I couldn't recall at all what did that meant! Now listen carefully, I am not gonna repeat myself. Here goes...

Lesson 1.0 - Murphy's Law

If you feel that something is gonna go wrong, that means it will definitely go WRONG! There is always a reason why your instincts are communicating to you.

Example: I somehow felt that the project commissioning at my workplace was done rather in a hurry, and I believe there must be some parts or equipments that may fail. Thus, I instructed for a trial load the night before the commissioning. Turned out, I was right! Equipment failure here and there. Thank God we managed to identify it early, and got it rectified immediately. And thus, it was a flawless operations today during the actual commissioning.

Lesson 2.0 - Le Chatelier's Principles

Also known as the equilibrium principle, it can be simply explained as if you don't move something out, nothing much (or more) will be produced until there is this change. 

Example: I found out that someone is unhappy about me, and unfortunately that person choose to share about this in social medium, of which I had excess to as well. So much of a smart Alex!!! I was utterly pissed and the first reaction I had was that I wanted was a revenge. But then I felt so emotionally unstable and disturbed. Finally it took a person (who is by the way younger than me) to teach me to just let it go. When I forgive, then I forget, I became happier instantly and really no longer mind what that person has to say about me. Chapter closed. When you moved on, thing gets better. 

Life class lessons indeed!

Monday, December 9, 2013

Water And A Flame

This song was originally sung as a duet by Daniel Merriweather and Adele, but the version by Celine is simply magnificent. It a rather dark, gloomy and sad song (just like one of typical Adele's) but you just can't deny the powerful vocals of Celine just made this song to die for.

Water and a flame...i rather be the water. 

Be The Change That You Wish To See In The World

The great Mahatma Gandhi said it so right. But, I had a revelation last week about this quote. All these while, I thought I knew what this quote was about, but the fact was that I didn't.

Part of us, we really want others to behave and be a certain way that we assume is right. But can you influence and somehow make them change, just because you thought its the "right" way of being? Answer is, no you can't. No, NO, NO!

Why should you be worried about what others are, when the only thing you should be worried is yourself (or rather myself).

It was rather enlightening, and I learned to take it as it is. With this I forgive, and forget.

Monday, December 2, 2013


For a guy having a lot to say, speak and shout, I find it rather weird as since coming back from Langkawi, I felt rather uninspired. Am I cursed?

You see, even at this point of this post, I am not sure what should I write.

What the heck is wrong with me???

Anyway, just to promote my Twitter account's sake:

December here you come, and yet, I am left so dull. Well, I always have tomorrow...