Sunday, December 15, 2013

The Murphy's Law

Well I've definitely heard of the name of this Law, but I could not recall what exactly this Law meant. All I could remember vividly was Le Chatelier's Principals. But little do we know, these 2 laws can be used to explain life and our actions. 

Today we commissioned a rather important project in my workplace, and thus, I've been working non-stop since last Friday. My boss gave me a piece of advice that was rather chemistry and stochastic, "Kelv, remember the Murphy's Law". I nodded and smile, but I couldn't recall at all what did that meant! Now listen carefully, I am not gonna repeat myself. Here goes...

Lesson 1.0 - Murphy's Law

If you feel that something is gonna go wrong, that means it will definitely go WRONG! There is always a reason why your instincts are communicating to you.

Example: I somehow felt that the project commissioning at my workplace was done rather in a hurry, and I believe there must be some parts or equipments that may fail. Thus, I instructed for a trial load the night before the commissioning. Turned out, I was right! Equipment failure here and there. Thank God we managed to identify it early, and got it rectified immediately. And thus, it was a flawless operations today during the actual commissioning.

Lesson 2.0 - Le Chatelier's Principles

Also known as the equilibrium principle, it can be simply explained as if you don't move something out, nothing much (or more) will be produced until there is this change. 

Example: I found out that someone is unhappy about me, and unfortunately that person choose to share about this in social medium, of which I had excess to as well. So much of a smart Alex!!! I was utterly pissed and the first reaction I had was that I wanted was a revenge. But then I felt so emotionally unstable and disturbed. Finally it took a person (who is by the way younger than me) to teach me to just let it go. When I forgive, then I forget, I became happier instantly and really no longer mind what that person has to say about me. Chapter closed. When you moved on, thing gets better. 

Life class lessons indeed!

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