Monday, February 26, 2007

Considering to Commit Suide

It was a long long day and of course I was damn tired. Biasa la Monday. Full of lectures and tutorials [and quiz too]. And so this smart alex aka Hamtaro went back to his room and prepare for himself a hot cup of coffee, Nescafe.

During a short break, I went to pocket C and bought for myself a bottle[not can], BOTTLE, of Coke. And it didn't take long before I felt the followings:

1- Head felling dizzy
2- Start to pee every hour
3- Heart pumping as if Tsunami is gonna hit Ipoh
4- Butterflies in my tummy
5- Headache becomes worst and worst
6- A sudden fever

And it was then that I remember that took excessive amount of caffeine. I practically killed myself tonight. That's why so free to blog cause can't concentrate at all. Hope I get well very very soon...

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

kelvin get well soon ya..=)
jgn minum nescafe,minum la milo...haha..=)
tsunami finally occurs!