Saturday, July 12, 2014

I Need Validation

It has been quite a while since I last posted anything here. Have been quite busy I have to admit, but less stress and definitely I had more time for myself compared to the same period last year. 

To tell you the truth, I have not touched (or finished) a book in the first half of this year. Reading was something that I had to gave up for some reasons that I don't even know until now. So, to get my "spiritual" food, I turned to my iPhone. Owh yeah, I bought my new iPhone about 2 months ago - finally.... Browsing through Youtube and searching for the Renaissance Woman herself, Oprah, I always find myself eager to listen to her and learning something new from her all the time. Last week, I learned about validation. She said that after each interview she had, from a murderer till Beyonce herself, they would ask Oprah, "How did I do?", "Was that OK?"...

Same goes to myself. Constantly, and at times whether I did know it or not, I am consistently seeking validation from others. At times I can be easily ignored by others, as if I am a piece of transparent sheet of glass. I need more than that, and I do think I deserve more than that. If that person could not provide me with such validation, then I decided that I better move on. What they should had better understood is the 3rd law of motion - with every force, there will be an equal and opposite force in return. If you do not validate me, I am done with you!

While writing this, I am (still) not sure whether can I in return validate myself. For instance like taking better care of myself, eating on time, having a break for myself... Is that validation? Or does this kinda validation still requires from someone's else perspective?

My 2 cents on this matter, take good care of yourself first. 

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