Friday, August 10, 2007

I've been eating well

The first day in Adelaide, I bought for myself a loaf of raisin bread which costs me $4.50, equivalent to RM13.50. Then and there I told to myself, “Gosh, I’ll have to cook from today onwards.” And so I did.Here are my gourmet dishes with exquisite taste and super duper temping. (Jim, now my turn pulak...)

And above all, its home cooked and lots of money saved. Wanna try some? Cheers!


Teo Teck Guan 张得元 said...

Next time wan to eat dinner dun nid to go v4 o choy pin lah. Go 2 ur room . =)

accidentally-in-love said...

OMG!!! i wan the sushi can!!! U should put ur mash potatoes! Its yummy delicious!


KELVIN said...

(Guan) If at UTP can cook ar, I sure cook ad one and belanja u all. Hahaha...

(AIL) Ooopssss.... I forget to take the picture of my mash potatoes la. Next time la, kan a da 5kgs of potatoes. Nyeh ... nyeh... nyeh...

jim said...

haha seriously you cook all those?
*wanna eat too*

Anonymous said...

next time u can cook for tat ur hsemate d(u know which 1???)...since he owaz belanja u makan last time...=P

Charlz said...

impressive!!! aiya.. i wana be ur roomate in aussie!!!~~ XD XD XD nonid go out dapao edi for sure~