Friday, October 26, 2007

Almost there.

Ola people! Yeah I know its been a while isn’t it since I have post a decent post? I was quite busy with my stuff and now, I am almost there finally. Today is the last day of classes, and now that I realized that time flies. I submitted my group report today and its 139 pages long. This is the first time ever I have done such a long report. It cost me $15 to print my report and it took me so many sleepless nights to complete and compile it. However, I am indeed lucky and happy to have such enthusiastic members with me.

~From left: Marc, Carly, Kelvin Lee Yang and Aiman~

Next week is study week (its called SWOT week here) and I know its gonna be hard studying without my dearest friends around me. A few days ago I confessed to Mak Teh. I sincerely told her, “I love my friends and they are important to me!” Study week has always be a day to day gossip instead of intense studying. There are a few tiny rituals that I should usually oblige during the study week in order for everyone to excel in their finals.

No. 1: Fall the fall. Regardless of height and location, I need to slip down anywhere in front of a crowd. The uglier I fall, the better the result is.
No. 2: The natural enlightment. Somehow and strange enough, every study week in the library of UTP, the electricity supply will go off for a while. Strangely, under the closed carrel I used to sit, there will be light on top of it. It’s a sign from above that its gonna be a great semester ending!
No. 3: Purge the unnecessary out. Its pretty much self-explanatory. Eiu… disgusting!

I’m gonna work extra hard this time as I have no one by my side this time to fall on. Pray with me to go on this journey smoothly.

P/s: By the way, I still haven’t done any of the weird rituals yet! =)

Tuesday, October 16, 2007

How are you going?

Since UTPians are in the midst of enjoying their mid semester break cum Hari Raya celebration, my Gtalk’s list at times only have 1 person online, Melvin. That’s all! My kepo gang members are all in dead silence. Sigh... boring! Some of my Muslim friends back there actually replied my Hari Raya wishes sms and they asked me “Apa khabar?

Me? Let me see…
2 more weeks of studies.
2 more weeks to finals.
2 more days to project presentation.
2 more months before I could land back on the land I belong.
So that makes me very….
erm... extremely....
susah nak dinafikan....

CUTE! =)

Monday, October 8, 2007

God save the Goddess of Downloading!

"God save the Goddess of Downloading!
God save the Goddess of Downloading!
God save the Goddess of Downloading!"

I have been trying to ask around on how to download those video clips from Youtube lately. I just can’t be spending my entire Internet quota for streaming purposes just to watch my favorite video clips daily! I gave up last two weeks. I stop watching Youtube and, as music runs through my veins, just imagine what was the impact to me? I almost went crazy living a day without watching Jac’s performance at IKON Asean with that fantastic arrangement of Gemilang by Ramli M.S and America’s Next Top Model Season 9. (Oh ya, I lurve Heather!)

But in the midst of my silence and sadness, I saw enlightenment from far. Too far to be near, and yet so near to be close. My savior, MAK TEH aka The Goddess of Downloading! This brilliant girl thought me how to download from Youtube and since yesterday nite, I have been downloading like MAD! All the greatest credits go to this girl who I once call Mak Teh. Now must change her name to The Goddess of Downloading! Kam siah a lot! You just saved a lonely soul through a deserted island where they throw all those nasty villains!

Monday, October 1, 2007

Kena lagi!!!

Aiyoyo... kena tag again! THIS IS THE LAST TIME OK? Pleazeeeeeeee....

On my desktop, got little stuff only. But the highlights are the pancake recipe, age calculator and picture_3. The pancake recipe is really nice. I tried out the other day. =) Picture_3 looks something like this:

And ya, the age calculator is very accurate man! I got it from Guan. If you wanna have a copy, just PM me!

I wanna tag: ~ GOH KIAT CHUN x 5

Eh Jim, I dunno how to do the linking stuff la! So, you all go to his blog and see la OK? Muahahaha.... ::