Tuesday, August 27, 2013


I remember vividly quoting a saying, "Dreams don't come true, goals do" in an article that I've wrote but to my surprise, many of my colleague did not quite agree. Well to be quite honest, I am such a big fan of a dreamer myself. But at the end of the day, what is more important is that how do we want to "achieve" our dreams that matters...which translates into our own personal goals.

For me being myself, I dream really lots. My mum would usually tell me story of how my aunt studied in Canada, my uncle in Australia, and another uncle of mine who used to work at New Zealand. At that point of time, I would be happy just to hop on an airplane and fly. That "dream" came true in 2007. My maiden flight to Adelaide, Australia.

Then when I started working, one fella is flying to Sudan, the other Iraq, another Vietnam and Philippines. But then when is my turn??? Perhaps I am too "young" in the company. But then when things are to happen, you somehow someway can know it. Notice in one of my post, I wished that I could get enough money so that I could return to Australia one day?

Well, looks like I will flying again to Melbourne next week! Dream big, have faith, pray...

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